Work in Progress. The Modern French Country Ranch House in the Foothills.

Modern French Country Ranch House in the The Foothills Heather Palmer Design

We recently started the remodel of our latest project and we just completed the design of the exterior today and had to share. While we have been working on the interior for a while, the exterior design had to wait until the rainy weather here in Northern California let up and it looks like we have a window to get the process started soon.

We took the stained 25 year old brick and stucco exterior and muted some of the details to make the home have a more modern relaxing aesthetic. We are going to paint the exterior stucco a flat warm white and the stucco the same in a slight sheen. We’re replacing the dated broken exterior lighting with a modern take on carriage lighting in black iron. We’re keeping the window trim color the same. We added clear glass to the already gorgeous front door just switching out the dated leaded glass. We are adding new door hardware and porch accessories to complete the house makeover. We are updating the landscaping by removing the red flowers and replacing them with white roses, English boxwoods and herbs.

We are going to be posting updates as this project moves along so we hope you stick around and join our mailing list so you can see the changes in our monthly newsletter.

Here is the listing photo and our update rendering so you can see what we are working towards. All of our exterior design clients receive a rendering like this one along with a stoppable list of paint colors, exterior lighting, hardware selections and accessories.

Heather Palmer Design Home Before

The Listing Photo. Before.


Friday 5


Inspiration Trip. Amador Wine Country, CA.