Exterior Trend. Monochromatic.
Design Trends Heather Palmer Design Trends Heather Palmer

Exterior Trend. Monochromatic.

Monchromatic home exteriors have always called to me. Throughout my childhood we visited a coastal community in Sonoma County, CA called Sea Ranch. Born in the 1960’s this area developed with the vision to preserve the region by using ecological building principals that would minimally impact nature and the surrounding landscape. The homes in this development are all built with strict guidelines using monochromatic exterior schemes and incorporating natural materials. What always resonated with me was how quiet these homes are in their presence and yet how elegant and modern they stand in their simplicity.

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Friday 5
Design Trends Heather Palmer Design Trends Heather Palmer

Friday 5

This week we have been working on some new client work including exterior paint selection, a farmhouse exterior makeover and a kitchen design. We’ve been busy getting inspiration whenever we can so we like to share some of the pictures that got us motivated this week and got us thinking in new directions.

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